Cherry Season is Here!


Cherry season has begun in Washington and I am so here for it. This is one fruit that I will never eat outside of its growing season. I’m always thrilled when it arrives and sad when the last perfect bite is officially gone and I have to wait until the following June.

I have a strong emotional tie to this little fruit. My mother grew up in the Yakima Valley, surrounded by orchards of every kind; stone fruit, apples, cherries, pears, grapevines, and hops. Her family still has cherry orchards today in addition to other tree fruit. I remember when school ended we'd head over to Grandview to visit for a week or two before I left for camp. We'd head to the orchards where we were there to visit and to help pick cherries. My idea of helping was climbing up the ladder, perching myself in a tree with a bushel to fill, and sitting there eating as many cherries as I possibly could. Luckily, I was not being paid because I always picked the least amount of fruit. Those days typically ended with a driving lesson through the orchards in my grandfather’s old pick-up, a beautiful dinner overlooking the valley, and listening to stories from my mother and her family.

Sadly, we had to sell my grandparent’s house in Grandview when we moved them to Seattle. I’m sad my kids will never spend their days riding bikes on old farm roads or sit in fruit trees with juice dripping down their face, or sticky hands from a Blizzard at Dairy Queen after leaving the town pool and riding your bike home for dinner. Although I didn’t grow up there my memories are magical of that place. We’d make wine with my grandfather every fall after awaiting a call that the fruit was ready to pick. My feet would freeze from stomping on grapes and we’d drink previous vintages while picking grapes for that year. We’d all cook dinner together, enjoy our meal, and just be.

The start of cherry season always reminds me of my mother’s family. It’s amazing what one tiny piece of fruit can do for your soul. All of my grandparents are gone now but I’ve got their smiling faces in photos around my house. I secretly hope one day I could afford to buy my grandparent’s place perched on a hill overlooking the entire valley with a view of Mt. Rainier & Mt. Adams. A girl can dream, right?


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