Eggs in Tomato Sauce


I love eggs, fried, scrambled, pickled; you name it. Often on weekends, I have more time to prepare breakfast. It’s a time when my husband and I can share a meal without our kids underfoot. I’ve done variations of this Shakshuka for years. One of our all-time favorites is to cook eggs in salsa; so yummy!

But, if you are looking at a more traditional preparation look no further. I’ve adapted the New York Times recipe just a bit to suit our tastes in our home. This takes about forty minutes from start to finish so it’s perfect for a weekend morning when you have a little extra time. Make sure you have an oven-proof pan. My All-Clad pan works perfectly for this!


2 Tbsp extra virgin olive oil

1 onion, thinly sliced

1 bell pepper, thinly sliced

3 garlic cloves, minced

1 heaping tsp cumin

1 tsp paprika

1/4 tsp red pepper flakes or more to taste

1 15 oz can diced or whole tomatoes

1 15 oz can tomato sauce

1 tsp salt

1/4 tsp pepper

4-5 oz feta or more to taste

4-6 eggs (I always do 4 since my kids don’t eat this)

Cilantro, chopped for sprinkling and serving

Crusty Bread


Preheat your oven to 375 so it’s waiting for you, not the other way around

Add oil to pan and heat over medium heat until just shimmering.

Add onion & bell pepper and cook until softened. Be careful not to brown the veggies; you may need to turn down the heat a bit. It should take about 10-15 minutes.

Add garlic, and stir until fragrant, about one minute (don’t let it burn!)

Add spices and cook until fragrant, about one minute.

Pour tomatoes in and season with salt & pepper. Let it hang out and thicken for about 10 minutes.

With the back of a spoon create an indention in the sauce, crack one egg in each indention. Then shore up the sides so the whites don’t spill everywhere. Sprinkle each egg with salt & pepper.

Place skillet in the pre-heated oven and bake for about 8-11 minutes. I like my whites set and my yolks runny so I did about 10 minutes. Every oven is different!

Pull the skillet out and sprinkle feta cheese and cilantro. You may add feta in before baking but I like to add it after the eggs are baked.

Serve with crusty bread!


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