Cobb Salad Skewers

Cobb Salad Skewer.JPG

Sports are ramping back up so we are usually at a game or practice smack in the middle of when we normally eat dinner. The kids won’t be done until 8 PM with their games/practices. On nights like this, I pack a snack to eat on the way and dinner to eat on the way home. By doing this all they have to do when they get home is a shower and go to bed. And, I don’t have to deal with hangry kids.

I used most of the components of a Cobb Salad (my kids don’t do bleu cheese) and I didn’t want the avocado to brown so those are omitted.

On these skewers: romaine lettuce, hard-boiled egg, sliced string cheese, bacon, and roasted chicken breast. For M she gets dairy-free ranch on the side. There are also sliced carrots, snap peas, and Opal apple that has been sprinkled with lemon juice to keep from browning.

My kids think it’s fun to eat food off sticks so this works great. I do this with other “salads” and it’s a great post-game dinner that will save you time and your sanity.

Cobb Salad Skewers (serves 1)


1/4 C roasted, cubed chicken breast

1 slice bacon, cut into one-inch pieces

1 hard-boiled egg, quartered

1 string cheese, sliced

2 leaves romaine lettuce, cut into 1” squares

Other optional “toppings”- cherry tomato, bleu cheese, avocado, red onion

Wooden Skewers- I use 4” because they fit in Tupperware easily

Dairy Free Ranch
* Quick DF ranch; 1/4 C mayo, juice of 1/2 lemon, dried dill, S&P


* I alternate all the ingredients but double up on lettuce. My kids will each eat 3-4 skewers.


Homemade Mayonnaise


Spanish Tortilla