Puppy time!
About a year ago my son presented me with a contract he wrote with the help of his grandmother. It was filled with chores (or life skills as I like to call them in my house) he was going to do & how he was going to be nice to his sister. It was a well thought out plan and I was proud of him for putting in the effort.
At the time I was in the middle of the wedding season at work aka the busiest time of year, I was shuttling my kids to and from day camps, trying to make sure we ate a vegetable every day, and get them all ready for the upcoming school year. We were simply too busy. A dog didn’t make sense at all; it wouldn’t be fair to the dog if we were gone all the time.
Penny illegally on the couch.
Well, COVID hit and we’ve been home since March. The kids were relentless in their pursuit of a puppy. Mike and I decided we would do it since we are all home & it would be a source of joy for all of us. Although I agreed I was already thinking about all the things I would have to do once this puppy arrived on the scene. It’s been 20 years since I’ve had a puppy! An amazing girlfriend sent me a list on Amazon with all the puppy things. It was such a lifesaver for me! I’ve included her list below; so if you are looking for a new pup this will help you so much.
Penny arrived two weeks ago. We all love her, including me. I am exhausted because she wakes up in the middle of the night (although last night she slept from 10:30-6!) and requires constant supervision if she’s not in her crate. I was telling a girlfriend it’s like having a toddler with super sharp teeth & no diaper. We are constantly entertained by her & it’s so fun watching her see things for the first time. If you choose to bring a pup into your family take the time to do your research, read books, & get ready to test your patience.
A few days after we picked up Penny school started for the kids. Honestly, the timing could not have been worse. I feel like I’m either taking Penny outside, getting someone onto a Zoom call, making a lunch or snack or breakfast or a smoothie (why do my kids never stop eating?), trying to get a workout in or do my actual job. It’s totally nuts around here these days. Because our house isn’t completely puppy-proofed things are piled up on counters while we find new homes for those items. We will find our way & I know this is all temporary but it’s draining! So, here’s to making messy puppy memories. Cheers!
Puppy Starter Pack:
Zuke’s Natural Training Treats
Brush (we haven’t used this yet but she’s a Golden Retriever so we will)